PHXLSR Phoenix Laser Safety PHX

Reporting Guides and Forms


The information and links below were copied from from the CDRH Website and located here for convienience. Links to resources that are likely to change frequently still link to the CDRH website locations. Please let us know if you find that any links or material needs to be updated. For additiional information or updates you can the "FDA/CDRH Website" link on the left to go to the CDRH Website

CDRH Overview


  • Reporting Guide - Annual Reports or [WORD]
    Unless an exemption or variance is obtained manufacturers are required to submit and Annual Report. This guide contains the instructions and report form used to prepare this document.
  • Import Form 2877
    Importers of laser products will need to prepare and submit a 2877 form to US Customs and/or the local FDA office.



FDA/CDRH Website